TPS launch their second ‘Summer of Love’ charity drive

TPS Summer of Love

TPS has re-launched the popular ‘Summer of Love’ charity initiative for a second successive year.

Following the success of last year’s first ever ‘Summer of Love’ which saw an incredible £18,796.93 raised for national and local charitable organisations, team TPS will be asked to fundraise for charities that represent something special to them. 

The ‘Summer of Love’ 2024 will run from Monday 15 July to Saturday 31 August, with the opportunity for TPS’s network of 83 Centres and its wider team to host one or more fundraising events.

These could include (but won’t be limited to) a sponsored bike ride, fun run, walk around the local park, a car wash, sports day or BBQ, with teams encouraged to be as creative and inspirational as possible in their individual or group fundraising activities. 

One of last year’s ‘Summer of Love’ highlights saw TPS Birmingham’s team hit the heights with a £5,222 donation to Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity, after completing a day long climb of Mount Snowdon.

However, it isn’t just about raising money, as team TPS will also donate their time through volunteering at charities of their choice - a repeat of last year which saw 20 days volunteering time achieved.

Kayleigh Clare, Events and Communications Manager said: “The ‘Summer of Love’ charity initiative is a huge opportunity for TPS to come together, have fun and most importantly, raise money for charity.

“The first ‘Summer of Love’ proved incredibly successful, and it was heart-warming to see all the amazing stories and fundraising efforts put in by everyone involved.

“With teams given the freedom to choose their own charity and activity, it gives the opportunity to do something positive for a national or local cause that is meaningful to them. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone get involved with this wonderful charity initiative. “

And the team that raises the most money will be able to donate an additional £500 to their chosen charitable cause (on behalf of TPS), with TPS Birmingham claiming last year’s top prize for their fundraising efforts.


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