38% of customers want option to drop off and collect keys

Tjekvik Kiosk
  • New analysis indicates 52% of UK’s biggest dealers close their aftersales depts at 6pm Monday to Friday; just two operate on a Sunday

  • Demand for greater flexibility highest in Yorkshire and the Humber – 47% want an out-of-hours solution

  • Over a quarter want to move more elements of the handover process online

A significant proportion of UK motorists find traditional aftersales opening hours restrictive, with 38% agreeing with the statement: “I wish there was a way I could drop-off or collect my keys outside the dealer’s normal opening hours.” This is one of the key findings from a new nationwide survey* commissioned by Tjekvik, a specialist in digital aftersales solutions.

Tjekvik looked at aftersales department opening and closing times for the 100 largest dealer groups across the UK, and found that just over half (52%) closed their doors at 6.00pm during the working week, while 28% shut up shop at 5:30pm. While most aftersales departments were open on a Saturday, 29% closed at 1.00pm, and 22% closed at 12:30pm. Just 5% stayed open until 5.00pm on a Saturday. Only two dealer groups were found to operate Sunday aftersales opening hours.

Just over a quarter (26%) of motorists in the Tjekvik survey voiced a desire to complete more elements of the aftersales handover process online, at a time more convenient for them rather than queuing in the dealership. The biggest advocates for this digital-first approach were those in London (37%).

Tjekvik’s survey highlighted some regional differences in those wanting out-of-hours drop-off and collection. For example, 47% of respondents in Yorkshire and the Humber wanted dealers in their region to offer out-of-hours solutions, compared to 25% in Northern Ireland.

Christian Mark, CEO and Co-Founder at Tjekvik, said: “It’s clear that the lack of flexible options remains a sticking point for many aftersales customers, and it has the potential to impact satisfaction and retention rates. Providing the flexibility of self-service means dealers can better accommodate the growing number who wish to drop off or collect their vehicles early or late, or at weekends.”

To complement their indoor self-service technology, Tjekvik recently launched its new Outdoor kiosk, designed to deliver a seamless check-in and check-out solution 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With a secure design and all-weather durability, the Outdoor kiosk provides additional flexibility and convenience for dealers and customers. 

The operational flexibility of Tjekvik’s new Outdoor kiosk also means dealers can support customers with drop-offs and collections at locations away from the service reception, such as airports, railway stations and shopping centres. As well as offering enhanced customer convenience, this greater reach will ensure dealers can profit from additional business.

To learn more about Tjekvik Outdoor, please visit: Tjekvik | Outdoor Kiosks  


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