Autotech Connect – securing the future of aftermarket

Autotech connect launch

Autotech Group has launched a new division – Autotech Connect – in a bid to mitigate the growing risk of cybercrime threats and help the automotive aftermarket effectively implement technology into their businesses to improve efficiency and overcome skills gaps.  

Technology is transforming mobility; as software defined vehicles enter the market and the proliferation of connected vehicles continues, consumers are increasingly expecting their cars to be an extension of their smart phones. Layered on-top of the skills shortage, the lack of training, a failure to invest in technology and the risk of cyber-attacks; garages must engage in building their digital infrastructure to ensure their survival.

Through its new Autotech Connect division, Autotech Group has secured partnerships with leading hardware, software, training and IT providers to deliver technology driven solutions that bring their expertise and application knowledge from other industries, including government, banking, and healthcare, into the automotive aftermarket.

“Our intention is to help aftermarket businesses understand the threats and opportunities created by software defined and connected vehicles and, through our partners, help them navigate the challenges with the aim of increasing productivity, reducing risk and exploring potential solutions,” comments Gavin White, CEO of Autotech Group.

“For many years, we have talked about the skills shortage, how aftermarket businesses are struggling to keep up with the evolving vehicle marketplace and the need for training. The industry, particularly independent businesses, is permanently on the back foot, pedalling to keep up and they are now facing further issues presented by evolving vehicle technology.”

By leveraging the expertise of specialists, Autotech Connect will help aftermarket businesses implement technology effectively to drive business efficiency, build robust cyber security defences and increase productivity.  

Assisted Reality (AR) devices to support vehicle technicians is just one part of the Autotech Connect solution. “Using AR is a tremendously exciting opportunity and, if used correctly, can help streamline processes and empower vehicle technicians as the most up-to-date technical information they need will be right in front of them. However, AR is just one small part of addressing the challenges facing the industry. There is a journey to undertake, and the digital foundations must be laid to allow the aftermarket to capitalise.” Gavin concludes.

Since 2010, Autotech Group has always strived to stay one step ahead, creating solutions to support the industry in its quest to keep up with the evolution of vehicles. This has included the launch of dedicated divisions - Autotech Training and Autotech Academy – to meet the challenges head on and now, Autotech Connect. 


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