Fras-le shares guidance on preventing overheating and brake drum wear
CV braking supplier, Fras-le, is advising commercial vehicle operators and technicians on how to handle common issues that can arise with brake drum installation and maintenance.
One such issue is radial cracking at the mounting surface, which often occurs if the wrong drum is used, or if the hub surface isn't cleaned properly prior to drum installation. If radial cracks appear, the drum must be replaced, and technicians should ensure they’re using the correct drum for the application while thoroughly cleaning the hub piloting surface.
Another concern is oval-shaped drums, where variations in diameter can cause uneven wear on the brake linings. This distortion may result from excessive heat during braking or improper handling of the drums. It’s important to inspect drums regularly and avoid dropping or mishandling them during maintenance. If ovality is found, the drum must be replaced.
Excessive wear along the edges of the braking surface or around rivet holes can indicate the presence of abrasive materials in the braking system. This can be prevented by ensuring proper installation of dust shields, says Fras-le. If dust shields are already in place but the issue persists, removing the lower shield can help prevent abrasive material buildup. Regular inspection is key to avoiding damage.