MP for Harlow, Robert Halfon visits Auto Windscreens

MP Robert Halfon

The team at Auto Windscreens met MP for Harlow, Robert Halfon, at its Harlow fitting centre last week to showcase its training and apprenticeship scheme.

As Minister of State for Skills, Apprenticeships and Higher Education, Robert met Operations Director Sean Draycott, Apprenticeship Programme Manager Ewan Freeman, other senior members of staff and the Harlow team, including Nathan Arber, a current apprentice.

Robert said: “Auto Windscreens is an incredible apprentice employer and I’m very proud they’re in Harlow. I’ve met Nathan, who’s an outstanding apprentice, he’s doing a brilliant job. The company is helping us build an apprenticeship skills nation, making sure a lot of people can climb the ladder of opportunity, so I want to thank this great company for all that they’re doing.”

Sean Draycott added: “We were very pleased to welcome Robert to our Harlow site. He was very interested in hearing from Nathan, who shared his experiences of his Level 3 Automotive Standard apprenticeship. We currently have 38 apprentices working towards becoming fully-fledged technicians across the UK, 10 of whom started only last week. We have plans to recruit another 15 apprentices during our September intake. We were proud to share just how important apprentices are to our business.”


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