Women in automotive celebrated in latest podcast

Women in Automotive

Insights around breaking down the gender gap in the automotive industry have been shared via a podcast hosted by OTB on Talktomotive, the Automotive Podcast Platform, with Stephanie May, Commercial Director at Women Automotive Network, and Anne Kroll, Head of Sales Europe Aftermarket at Stabilus.

Titled ‘Empowering Women in the Auto Industry: Insights from Women Automotive Network’, Kroll, who spoke about her Women Automotive Network award nomination in the previous episode, joined May to share information with listeners about the network’s mission to push women in the industry forward, while offering vital support and opportunities to help do so.

From facilitating job placement to amplifying women’s voices through global events, with an impressive membership base of 27,000, Women Automotive Network has cultivated a community that champions female professionals in a male-dominated field.

May shared insights on the network’s future endeavours, recounted past experiences, and previewed the exciting upcoming events that aim to empower, connect, and inspire women in the ever-evolving world of automotive.

May commented: “When attending regional conferences back in 2016, it became apparent that there was a significant gender imbalance. After some careful research with industry professionals, we launched the Women Automotive Summit in Stuttgart in 2019 to celebrate women, to provide a platform and showcase success stories – it was so obvious that there was this huge hunger and appetite for women and men to meet and share their experiences.

“Since 2019, lockdown restrictions meant we had to invest in online opportunities, meaning anyone could log in from anywhere, and they did! We realised just how much women in the industry wanted to meet each other across a global scale – so four years later we’ve gone from 170 people to 27,000, we host four events, online and in-person, we have a mentorship program, a job vacancy platform and have our star-studded award ceremony, plus so much more.”

Women Automotive Network aims to bring together industry leaders, visionaries, and aspiring professionals, and provide a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration.

Talktomotive, the Automotive Podcast Platform, was created with the ambition of bringing new digital solutions to media partners, manufacturers and automotive aftermarket associations to spread their voice to the global automotive community.

You can listen to the episode and find out more about the work Women Automotive is carrying out, as well as hear more insightful personal stories from women in the industry here.


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