MOT saved! Government maintains current test frequency

Mark Field - IAAF

The UK government has agreed to maintain the current MOT Test Frequency following a consultation that explored extending the first test from three to four years. 

Mark Field, IAAF Chief Executive, said: “Plans to extend the first test from three to four years have been met with the full power of the entire automotive industry including motorists, who have been united in their view that extending the test frequency risks driver safety.

“Every argument put forward to change the date of the first test has been overcome. An extended test won’t save motorists money and will in fact generate higher bills from worsening, unchecked problems. While it is right to consult on modernising the test process, the debate over the test frequency, the third in over a decade, should never be on the table.”

IAAF argued, along with other motoring groups, trade bodies including UK AFCAR and aftermarket businesses that changing the test frequency risks driver and public safety and will ultimately cost motorists more money. 

It also lobbied that the future vehicle parc, comprising predominantly alternative fuelled vehicles such as electric, is more likely to fail the first MOT test, underlining the importance of safeguarding the current test regime.

Data from DVSA and from the IAAF Garage Network suggests a levelling out of the current MOT trend brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. 

Field added: “There is a clear need – and opportunity – to support motorists on the safety benefits of carrying out regular MOT tests. MOT testing stations and testers need to be better supported in communicating to motorists why the MOT test is in place. Much is done on the importance of roadworthiness but more needs to be done to promote the relationship between the motorist and the workshop carrying out the test.” 

Kevan Wooden, CEO, LKQ UK & Ireland said: This is a fantastic outcome for UK road users and the aftermarket. We lobbied hard alongside our industry partners to push back against the proposed changes on the grounds that they would put the UK’s hard-won reputation for road safety at risk, endanger our national net zero ambitions and increase costs to motorists. And this is without mentioning the impact it would have had on work volumes in the aftermarket. As with Block Exemption, we have once again shown the impact the industry can have when it comes together to push for what’s right.”  

MAHA UK Managing Director, Neil Ebbs, said: “Extending the MOT frequency could have increased the number of vehicles, in a non-roadworthy condition, on our roads; therefore, we welcome the news that the 3:1:1 will remain unchanged.

“Vehicle and roadworthiness are paramount; therefore, maintaining the current inspection frequency is a positive step towards supporting this.”

Alex Lindley, Garage Hive and Lindleys Autocentres Director said: “It's obviously great news, particularly for the independent sector, that relies on those cars coming through for the first MOT after three years.  But most importantly, just based clearly on the evidence, it's the right thing for drivers.

“I'm really chuffed so well done to everybody that campaigned to make sure the MOT stays the way it is.

“It's a very sensible outcome. I think it would have been quite difficult for the government to decide to go against its own data so it doesn't come as much surprise - but of course you never really know what's going on behind the scenes.”


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